After Angela was blindsided by her entire tribe, it set up the battle of Naviti in Survivor Ghost Island episode 4, although a different story closed things out.
The first real blindside of Survivor Ghost Island happened last week, acting against both a group and an individual. Angela was blindsided by everyone, believing the target to be Libby when, in reality, she was almost sent home. Domenick, Wendell and Morgan were also blindsided, as the “Plan B” of taking out Angela turned out to be a plot for Plan C: using confusion to vote out Morgan to take out a numbers advantage.
Returning from Tribal Council, Domenick and Wendell were on the hot seat. Angela and the old Malolos were suspected as completely against them, with Domenick and Wendell focusing their strength on what happens next. Dom revealed to Wendell that he has an idol, meaning that they’ll need to bring someone to their side in order to make a big move.
The next morning, Domenick discovered that Morgan had willed the Legacy Advantage to him. With everyone but Wendell out to get him, he stated that he needs to find every advantage in the game possible to keep him safe. Is this a foreshadowing of what’s to come, or does it mark the famous last words?
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The reward challenge came early in the episode, with teams of two retrieving a ring in the water and trying to bring it to their flagpole. The first team to bring it to their flagpole three times with a hand on the ring wins peanut butter, jelly, bread and milk.
Naviti took an early lead, with Chris racing out to grab the first ring and he and Wendell tossing it between each other. Their keepaway strategy worked well, as was Laurel and Angela’s strategy of just dragging it away with pure strength. Bradley and Domenick raced out for the ring in the third contest, with Sebastian doing a combination of tossing and dragging to score the first point for Malolo
It was for naught, however, as Laurel and Libby pulled out a reward challenge victory in a decisive 3-1 win through brute strength alone. With a shattered tribe, the decision to go to rocks was instantly made by Domenick, with Kellyn tempting fate and correctly calling that she would draw the white rock. Will we ever see another Ghost Island decision not go to rocks?
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Kellyn headed to Ghost Island after the reward challenge, making her the first person involved in this twist not to be safe at Tribal Council. Thankfully, she was the second person to play a game of chance! She had the chance to wager a secret advantage for the opportunity to lose her vote at the next Tribal Council, but she opted to maintain a numbers advantage over furthering her own game.
Chris came back to Naviti looking for answers, and it turns out that he wanted to line up his soldiers almost immediately. He and Angela gathered the old Malolos on Naviti and aligned himself with them, with Chris saying he likes everyone “and I like myself” as some sort of assurance. Nothing says thinking of the team like talking about how you like yourself!
Donathan and Laurel saw it another way, though, as they saw Chris as someone of a dictatorial person and liked Wendell better from a personal standpoint. As such, Laurel went over to Domenick to work over a personal relationship as Donathan talked to Wendell about the chance to take out Chris. In the first half of this episode, Laurel really stepped out of her shell and was pushed to the forefront, something that should be taken into consideration as the game evolves.
On Day 12, before even visiting Malolo’s beach, Survivor Ghost Island introduced its fourth Immunity Challenge of the season (I guess Kellyn was sent home sometime before the challenge). This time, teams went to race out to a cage submerged in water, with players needing to drag a heavy chest to a track station. They then used a rope to retrieve and pulled a section of track into position, allowing them to drag the chest to a gate. Once there, they needed to toss five balls onto the gate’s top beam.

Things seemed even until Chris couldn’t unhinge the cage door’s ropes, with Malolo getting a big lead. It looked like a blowout as the Malolo bunch was tossing balls while just Chris and Wendell were pulling the track. However, Chris and Wendell made a determined effort to stay safe, as with a 3-0 lead they surged back in the ball-throwing segment, quickly chipping away and winning immunity on the final, close toss.
40 minutes into the hour, Bradley was talking about how he wanted to play like a Boston Rob or Kim Spradlin and we saw Chelsea Townsend talk to the camera for the first time in the game! The idea for the old transferred Navitis was to vote either Brendan or Michael to take out a powerful player or a leader. Meanwhile, we finally got some personal content from Stephanie Johnson asking for hope as Michael informed the group at large that they plan to use James’ idol at Tribal Council. Michael even hinted at exaggerating the power of the China idol in order to sway Desiree or Chelsea.
Night 12’s Tribal Council marked the final time that players would visit this arena for the first time in the game (with the exception of Chris). Jeff prodded into how both sides were strong in their voting lines, with Bradley standing up as the old Naviti ringleader. Michael tried to spring his trap by publicly stating he could save two players with his vote. The old Malolos then pleased to Chelsea and Sebastian to vote the way they wanted to play their games and not follow Bradley as the puppetmaster.
Unfortunately, it was a bold, faulty play, as nobody’s vote was swayed. Despite Bradley receiving the first four votes, it was Brendan who was sent home in 16th place as Naviti threw their five votes against him.
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Next week, Survivor Ghost Island returns with episode 5, “Diamond in the Rough,” airing on March 21 at 8 p.m. ET.