Survivor Ghost Island episode 5 secret scene: Swiping right

Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

In a very emotionally-driven episode of Survivor Ghost Island, the episode 5 secret scene plants an earlier seed of romantic showmance interest.

You could sum up Survivor Ghost Island episode 5 in just one word; brutal. It was an emotional rollercoaster through and through, bringing us a better perspective of these characters as people, not so much as game players, ending with a tonally-harsh elimination that had multiple people crying in the open.

That’s why it seemed appropriate that this Survivor Ghost Island episode 5 secret scene was cut for time, as it not only showed off Malolo beach before the Immunity Challenge (something that hasn’t happened in the past two weeks) but played into a more optimistic tone. It doesn’t mesh with the idea of making Malolo out as the sympathetic tribe but instead plants a seed of Jenna’s flirtatious play that she exhibited later in the episode.

In this secret scene, Jenna Bowman knows that Sebastian Noel has a little bit of a crush on her and wants to see where things go. She sees the six-pack and the man buns and equates her getting to know him better as swiping right on Survivor Tinder. Of course, Sebastian also gets to go into detail about his easy, breezy life, telling a story about how most of his days are spent on a beach hanging out with friends.

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It’s a scene you would come to expect out of Survivor Worlds Apart, especially on the No Collar tribe full of hustlers living a free and open life. Sebastian knows it’s a game, but he finds Jenna cute, too, and offers himself as the rescue wall she can lean on when the numbers are against her.

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It doesn’t make sense to have that type of scene in the show twice, but as a secret scene, it lets Survivor Ghost Island viewers know that it wasn’t a spur-of-the-moment thing for either Jenna or Sebastian and that their arrangement is self-aware and mutual. It’s an unconventional type of showmance, but to smell someone else’s ratty hair after being unwashed for two weeks shows a level of romantic engagement most can’t comprehend!