When nobody plays their secret items in Survivor Ghost Island, it’s hard to keep up. With the merge coming, let’s look at who still has idols and advantages.
So far, Survivor Ghost Island is starting to shape up like Game Changers. With the exception of newbies this season and returnees in the past season, we’ve seen a strong pre-merge segment where a ton of fan favorites and strong players went home before the jury phase. Another thing that happened was that a ton of powers were found, but this season, just one has been used.
Before we get to the all-important merge episode of Survivor Ghost Island, we at Surviving Tribal will be bringing forth a few features to catch you up on the game so far. While we’ll talk about the players, the tribes and the stories of the season in other pieces, you can use this primer as a mini-catchup on the active and used Hidden Immunity Idols and Secret Advantages that have entered the game so far.
Secret Advantage #1 – Sierra Dawn Thomas’ Legacy Advantage from Game Changers
Obtained by: Jacob Derwin on Day 3 at Ghost Island
Ghost Island Powers: Can only be used at Final 13 and Final 6, must first be willed to another player.
Current Status: Willed to Morgan Ricke on Day 6, willed to Domenick Abbate on Day 9, currently in his possession. Can be used at the merge episode.
Hidden Immunity Idol #1 – Andrea Boehlke’s Hidden Immunity Idol from Caramoan
Obtained by: Domenick Abbate on Day 4 at Naviti beach
Ghost Island Powers: Regular Hidden Immunity Idol
Current Status: Held by Domenick Abbate
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Hidden Immunity Idol #2 – James Clement’s Hidden Immunity Idol from China
Obtained by: Michael Yerger (alongside Brendan Shapiro) on Day 8 at Malolo beach
Ghost Island Powers: Regular Hidden Immunity Idol (Michael lied, saying it could save two, at Tribal Council)
Current Status: Used by Michael on Stephanie Johnson at Day 12’s Tribal Council, did not block any votes). Reset Malolo beach’s Hidden Immunity Idol allotment.

Hidden Immunity Idol #3 – Ozzy Lusth’s F—ing Stick from Micronesia
Obtained by: Michael Yerger on Day 18 at Malolo beach

Ghost Island Powers: No longer a fake, but a real Hidden Immunity Idol after “maturing” on Ghost Island for 10 years
Current Status: Held by Michael
Secret Advantage #2 – Sarah Lacina’s Steal-a-Vote from Game Changers
Obtained by: Kellyb Bechtold on Day 18 at Ghost Island
Ghost Island Powers: No longer steals a vote, but serves as an extra vote. Must cross out “Michaela” and replace the name with someone from Survivor Ghost Island. Extends beyond ties and revotes
Current Status: Held by Kellyn
Immunity Necklace #1 – Erik Reichenbach’s Final Five Immunity Necklace from Micronesia
Obtained by: Wendell Holland on Day 18 at Yanuya beach
Ghost Island Powers: No longer an Immunity Necklace, but an (oversized) regular Hidden Immunity Idol
Current Status: Held by Wendell
Next: Survivor: Ranking all 35 seasons
Survivor Ghost Island episode 8, “Fear Keeps You Sharp,” airs on Wednesday, April 11 at 8 p.m. ET.