Making sure to keep things spoiler-free, the Survivor Ghost Island merge photos tell more stories in the context of the season’s alliances. Also, some are goofy.
Warning: We will be Sherlock Holmes-ing the Survivor Ghost Island merge photos provided by the CBS Press Entertainment site ahead of tonight’s episode.
It’s been repeated ad nauseum by yours truly, but it cannot be overstated how great of a moment the merge is in Survivor. Now is the time when winners start crafting their end game, underdogs try to find a way to the end and goats either play too aggressively hard or too passively boring.
CBS has finally released the press photos for the Survivor Ghost Island merge, and most of them involve the players getting to know each other for the first time as individuals of the same tribe. For some, players are trying to make new friends, as they haven’t been on the same tribe together. For others, it’s a chance to start making a plan of action.

There are two photos of the players arriving on Naviti’s beach, and both of them include old Malolo players (Donathan and Jenna) hugging Michael as he comes off the boat. It’s clear that he’s become the leader of their remaining contingent, although it’s not clear at this moment where he stands in the game.

Although it’s not super important at this time, here’s what the Survivor Ghost Island merge feast looks like. No Thunder from Down Under this time, although there are plenty of opportunities for hidden clues, especially in a superfan-heavy season. Could we end up with a Survivor Gabon situation where everyone throws a hidden idol in the ocean?

Boston Rob once posited you can tell who’s close to each other by who bunks up with who at night. Here, we see Malolo minus Libby eating and hanging out near Domenick, which may or may not indicate alliance leanings out the gate.

This picture further drives my point home, as it is taken before the dinner is over and the tribe heads back to expand their camp shelter. Jenna’s been aligned with Sebastian who’s working with Chris, which could complicate things for her.

Donathan, Desiree, Jenna, Chelsea and Laurel start work on the flag after helping set up palm fronds for the expanded shelter. Let’s hope the name isn’t some sort of Frankenname like Malvituya, or lame like Murica.

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There are not a ton of Survivor Ghost Island merge “conversation photos” available, yet Chelsea seems to be in a noticeable amount. Here’s to this formerly purple character taking steps forward at the merge!

Next: Survivor: Ranking all 35 seasons
There’s no practical reason to include this photo, but it feeds me life and we need more of Kellyn the Wildcard in our viewing lives. Hopefully, she emerges when Survivor Ghost Island airs later tonight!