For most modern seasons of this show, the players’ voting confessionals have been short. Survivor Ghost Island episode 8 gave Wendell the spotlight.
Warning: This post will discuss the events of Survivor Ghost Island episode 8 and who went home in the merge episode.
Man, last night’s episode was electric! People who were on the hot seat all pre-merge started to take a step backward and hide while Chris and Domenick planned to duke it out. Even though Wendell and Domenick offered Chris a temporary truce and wanted to take things slow for a vote, Chris couldn’t even agree to another target, hence putting the two at odds.
When it came down to the vote, it was clear that Chris’ plan to tell ten people what to do in a crucial merge vote was a silly display of a power trip, especially after earning an Immunity Idol that could save him. We heard Domenick state out loud like Crystal Cox that he was going to vote for Chris, yet The Noble One thought he had sufficiently secured the votes.
While Chris and Domenick traded barbs at each other at Tribal Council with jovial self-awareness, hamming up their disagreements and making sure not to take things too personally, Wendell Holland had enough of Chris from his time on Naviti and Yanuya and let rip an epic voting confessional that lasted more than half a minute.
WENDELL 🔥👏 #Survivor
— Global TV (@GlobalTV) April 12, 2018
“We won a lot together; respect for that. But socially, you don’t know what you’re doing. I hope you stop saying “I” so much. I hope you start listening to people. Oh yeah, and finally; somebody had to say it. I’ll say it; stop rapping. You’re trash. At rapping. You’re garbage at rapping. You can’t rap. You have no bars. Put the mic down, bro. Put the pen down, bro. Use an eraser.”
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Not since the days of Rob Cesternino bringing out Casey Kasem to utterly obliviate Rodger in Survivor: The Amazon have we seen a voting confessional last so long and go so pointed with the jab at the player. Considering the awful rap Chris pulled off at Ponderosa, I think it’s safe to say Wendell was right.