We have officially entered the screen grab portion of Survivor Ghost Island, as episode 9 photos are ripped straight out of the 42 minutes coming this week.
Warning: These Survivor Ghost Island episode 9 press photos will contain screen grabs of images that will air later this week as rolling video.
It seems that, at least in modern seasons, Survivor holds back with the on-scene photographers after the merge episode and opts to let the players play on their own terms without distractions. The latest CBS press photos for Survivor Ghost Island episode 9 confirm that, offering up a ton of high-quality screenshots from the 42-minute episode that has yet to air.

We don’t usually showcase every single press photo for an episode, but here’s Jeff Probst in the very first shot of the new slate of episodes, telling the players about the disgusting food they’re about to eat for the second Individual Immunity Challenge. Individual shots of Kellyn, Libby and Wendell all before the challenge and Desiree trying to eat the first disgusting thing on the menu.

Extremely cursed image alert! This is one of the food challenge items players will eat to earn Immunity in Survivor Ghost Island episode 9.

Fun fact to look behind the veil at Surviving Tribal: I have this image’s file name as “Episode 9 wtf is that.” I think it’s extremely fitting.

Here’s a shot that was teased in last episode’s “Next Time On Survivor” preview. Wendell is telling Laurel about his Hidden Immunity Idol, which leads to Laurel’s concern about him having too much power in the game. For her longevity, it doesn’t make sense to target Wendell, as it could be her name instead if she can’t whip the votes.

I’m not quite sure of Angela and Sebastian’s relationship due to the first episode being primarily about Malolo’s epic implosion, but this glance from Sea Bass certainly doesn’t look too promising for either party.

This is a genuinely interesting conversation. Kellyn has primarily been “Naviti Strong,” yet both Donathan and Laurel are in this possible strategic chat. Perhaps they’re actually trying to blindside Wendell here? He’s the only one from the purple Reward Challenge group that isn’t visible. Does this mean orange wins reward?
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The Reward Challenge was featured in the episode’s sneak peek earlier this week, but they didn’t show the team division. Here’s Angela, Laurel, Libby, Chelsea, Donathan and Wendell, who’s calling out Michael at the other team.
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Here’s Michael on the orange team giving Wendell the old Shooter McGavin as he and Desiree, Sebastian, Kellyn, Jenna and Domenick prepare for the Reward Challenge showdown.

Here’s a look at the smallest person in Sruvivor Ghost Island preparing to fire off a sandbag at one of the six targets for her tribe. Truly, she has solidified herself as a really purple player this season!
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Who will win reward? Will we see the purple and orange lines finally blend into brown? We’ll have to wait when “The Sea Slug Slugger” airs on Wednesday night at 8 p.m. ET.