Survivor Ghost Island power rankings episode 9: Sluggers

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Photo: Screen Grab/CBS Entertainment ©2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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Survivor Ghost Island Episode 10 Chelsea Townsend
Photo: Screen Grab/CBS Entertainment ©2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

9. Chelsea Townsend

Not only does Chelsea have little sway in the game, but she also has little television presence, as well. She’s had just three confessionals across nine hours of Survivor Ghost Island that has made it to air, showing just how out of the loop she is.

It’s a bit of a bummer, as even though she’s not one of the vaunted superfans of the season, she has made some fairly strong moves in the past. Her working with Domenick to whip the votes for a Bradley Kleihege blindside showed that she came to the island not just to fulfill her role as a participant, but as a player.

Sadly, her inactivity will quickly do her in. I’m not sure if the target switched to her that anyone but Desiree would stand up for her. Perhaps Kellyn at this stage in the game, seeing how big of a target Michael is, but considering what so many exit interviews have suggested about Chelsea, she’s just not as compelling a player as one may have hoped early on.