After one player blew up their spot in a massive way, the remaining Survivor Ghost Island players learned a bit more about their place in the game.
1. Domenick Abbate
After taking a few days off to lay low and let others dictate the flow, all things Survivor Ghost Island ran through Domenick Abbate once more. With Desiree knowing she was on the bottom of the pile and wanted to grab the Malolo Four to conspire against him, Wendell and Kellyn, Domenick had to get to work this episode.
In the span of a couple of days, he was able to discern a plan against him, convince Kellyn that two of her closest allies were planning to vote her out (the truth), show a bit of his hand by letter Kellyn know Laurel was the one who came forward with the truth and didn’t get his alliance exposed.
Even as Kellyn lays all the cards on the table and calls out Domenick on his commandeering of the Naviti players, he just lays back and sips his water like it ain’t none of his business. He saw the goats playing the hand they were dealt and whipped out a trump card without even using an idol. It’s Dom’s game to lose with ten players left.