5. Chelsea Townsend
Chelsea has won Immunity for the second-straight week! Unfortunately, we heard nothing from her perspective about being one of the few players in history to win back-to-back Individual Immunity Challenges, as Chelsea has been virtually invisible throughout the entire season.
One time, Chelsea cried because she got coffee. Another time she talked, she worked to get one of the Malolo men out back in the third episode of the season. The last time we really got to see her offer her perspective on the game, she was helping Domenick take out Bradley due to his fears that Bradley was targetting older players with children.
The way in which she’s been underedited this season, I would expect for her to quit or get voted out in some sort of controversial move or game-related twist. With a possible 4-4 tie coming this episode, I wouldn’t be surprised if Chelsea is screwed in some sort of way that helps explain why audiences haven’t been given any reason to root for Chelsea’s success in the game.