Survivor: David vs. Goliath cast assessment: Gabby Pascuzzi is ready to write her story

Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Gabby Pascuzzi is looking to be the next Aubry of Survivor in David vs. Goliath. One question remains; will she go one step further and win the entire game?

Gabby is the type of Survivor player that I always seem to root for from the beginning, the nerdy chick who is often able to outsmart the many jocks on the island. I feel like not only is her intelligence going to take her far, but she has what it takes to play a superb social game.

When reading her CBS cast bio, many things she says are quirky and funny. She pokes fun at the plethora of Parvati comparisons we get every season. She says she is like Aubry, which is what you would expect but also compares her emotional moments to those of Dawn. This is a major positive for me because it shows that she wants to have the heart to heart conversations and be a shoulder to cry on.

I was surprised when she talked about how she goes on rather ambitious hikes upwards of 14,000 feet. This is not what you would expect for someone of her archetype. She currently resides in Denver, which would give her the resources for her plenty of opportunity for this, but it is impressive nonetheless.

She finds herself on the David tribe. She is a technical writer who is only in her mid-twenties. This does not scream David to me, but in this season it is impossible for everyone to fit these themes perfectly. She might be underestimated in life, but in the game not so much. In Survivor, something as simple as having glasses will make you stand out as being smart. We have seen the young, smart woman archetype make it to the end in three of the last five seasons now.

While she does not say she is a superfan, you can tell that she has plenty of knowledge of the game. You can tell that she will have a strategical mind, and I think she will do a solid job of navigating the target off of her early on.

She does not seem to be one of the stronger women in the game, which could prove to be a problem if they lose an early immunity challenge. However, I think Lyrsa would almost certainly be targeted before her. As long as Gabby does not go home on Day 3, I think she will have enough time to form strong relationships with her tribe.

While players of Gabby’s archetype have had success getting to the end, they have not been able to win it all. I do think Gabby will be able to make the necessary moves on threats, unlike Laurel and Hannah. She will also have the social connections in front of a jury, unlike Aubry.

When I analyze her winner chances, I think they are very good. She is not my winner pick, but I believe she is the second most likely to win the game. This does not mean I see her coming in second; it is possible for her to get taken out right before the Final Tribal Council. Plus, this is Survivor; she could home early in a crazy fashion without her wrongdoing like Morgan on Ghost Island.

Gabby has all the tools necessary to win it all, and we will see if she can live up to the hype and overcome the Goliaths of the world on Survivor: David vs. Goliath.