Survivor: David vs. Goliath episode 1 synopsis teases a cyclone

Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

We knew that Survivor: David vs. Goliath would get fairly wet fairly early, but the episode 1 synopsis indicates that the game will get real tough real fast.

Every day between now and next Wednesday will be that much more monumentally important for Survivor fans. We’re so, so close to the start of David vs. Goliath that CBS is starting to provide details about the 90-minute premiere, releasing the synopsis for episode 1 on the CBS Entertainment press page.

Aptly named after the biblical battle of David vs. Goliath, the episode’s title is called “Appearances Are Deceiving.” As promised in the preseason coverage, the heavy weather starts early, with the first of two cyclones ravaging the players starting on Day 1 and throwing everybody of kilter right from the start.

“A vicious cyclone stirs up emotions on the first day on the island, and the ‘David’ tribe tries to take down the ‘Goliath’ tribe,” reads the Survivor: David vs. Goliath episode 1 synopsis, reading fairly boilerplate in terms of opening episode rundowns. However, it will be interesting to see which direction these emotions run.

For example, there are a ton of go-getter, accomplished people on the Goliath tribe, yet based on the Survivor: David vs. Goliath episode 1 photos, they might be at a major disadvantage over the David tribe, who seem to have their shelter ready fairly early on. You’re never going to be fully comfortable in this game, but being exceptionally wet without fire is sure to get people heated.

In the earliest stages, anyone is looking for any reason to pin a target for voting out, and if a cyclone is active and has players huddled together in the shelter, it should be interesting to see how people vote. We could be headed for an actual live first Tribal Council if discussions aren’t had earlier. There’s 90 minutes of drama to unfold when the season starts on September 26.