4. Davie Rickenbacker
After catching that octopus, Davie has cemented his status as an early provider for the tribe. He’s also likely one of their strongest players. Barring another evacuation, he is likely staying put until at least the tribe swap, and will hopefully help earn his tribe some wins.
3. Angelina Keeley
Though Angelina got a “bless their heart” kind of villainy look in the premiere, she also got the credit for coming up with the “us women should break down barriers and hunt for the idol” edit. She’s edited as the one looking to empower women, even though it wasn’t her idea. She’s a strong player with a strong standing in both the edit and with her tribe.
2. Kara Kay
Though the showmance usually gets cut in the long haul, the Survivor: David vs. Goliath editors couldn’t help but push Kara (Care-a? Car-a?) and Dan together while giving them sweet angelic tunes. This may be an edit in revenge of Alec, but it does show that Kara’s in a good place with good vibes going her way.
1. Dan Rengering
There’s no stopping the hot cop! While everyone was out partying, he was studying
the blade
the Hidden Immunity Idol, managing to bring in the leading ladies of the tribe into a makeshift alliance. He’s kind of bumbling his way through the game right now, but he does so with the shine of a superhero. A bumbling, fumbling, charismatic superhero.