Survivor David vs. Goliath power rankings: Episode 3 shifts the power

Photo: David M. Russell/CBS Entertainment ©2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Photo: David M. Russell/CBS Entertainment ©2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved. /
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Survivor David vs. Goliath Episode 3 Goliath Challenge
Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved. /

9. Mike White

Despite the horrendous first episode appearance, Mike White has done a great job of laying low, calming down and regaining his trust within the Goliath tribe. He’s even serving as Jeremy’s lookout as he searched through Dan’s things, earning the trust of someone who wanted him out first. Angelina and the coven don’t see him as target number one or two, either.

Mike White did what Jacob Derwin wished he could do; chill out after searching for an idol early.

8. Lyrsa Torres

She was a blindside vote away from being the first voted out of Survivor: David vs. Goliath, but now Lyrsa sees herself in the middle of an alliance buoyed by the Mason-Dixon Line of Christian and Nick. However, since Gabby was tertiary to Elizabeth and Lyrsa and Christian is more interested in working with Gabby, she could be a voting target if David goes back to tribal right away.

It would be an unnecessarily risky move, but that’s why Lyrsa’s still in the top half; she’s still in a power position.

7. Dan Rengering

Dan, Dan, Dan. The Florida Hot Cop is seen as a liability to Kara, but it ultimately doesn’t matter due to his Hidden Immunity Idol. Sure, Jeremy and Mike know about its existence, but he’s still well-liked and has the connections to give him a head’s up and some level of game awareness necessary to use the idol and protect himself this round.