This is the first of two warnings ahead of the Survivor: David vs. Goliath episode 4 preview videos saying that there are swap tribe placement spoilers ahead.
Serious spoiler warning: This post will discuss all promos, previews and commercials offered by CBS concerning Survivor: David vs. Goliath episode 4, “Time to Bring About the Charmpocalypse.”
Now that we’re settled in that regard, let’s take a closer look at what’s going on in Survivor: David vs. Goliath episode 4, “Time to Bring About the Charmpocalypse.” That quote came from Christian as evidenced in the “Next Time On” preview at the end of last week’s episode, giving him the third title quote of four episodes so far this season. If there’s any stronger indication that he’s the game’s narrator for the long haul, let me know!
Back to the main point, I’m going to start with the second of two sneak peek preview videos, as it offers up brand new information about the tribe swap. Confirming the press photos last week, there will be a third expansion green tribe, and its name is Tiva. On this tribe is Gabby and Christian at the very least, with the outlines of what looks to be Dan and John at the very beginning.
Combining that with what we already know from the Survivor: David vs. Goliath episode 4 promo, we know that Natalia, Davie, Alec and Elizabeth are on the orange tribe. That puts the fate of Alison, Angelina, Bi, Carl, Kara, Lyrsa, Mike, Natalie and Nick into question, and it might be a good thing for Gabby.
As evidenced in the video above, she’s having a lot of doubts about her new tribe and her place in the group dynamics, with Christian providing emotional support. She feels like she’s on the outs of the tribe, meaning Nick is not with them. Considering Nick was trying to get Christian to ditch Gabby and knowing Survivor editing structure, Gabby isn’t likely going home in the next episode or two.
The first sneak peak doesn’t offer much, but it does give us a few hints. For starters, we get an ominous zoom-in on Bi’s injured knee, following the shocked look of Gabby post-Jeremy blindside. Carl immediately looks to Davie for a reaction, but he offers an exaggerated shrug. The swap dynamics are quite interesting based on players’ reactions.
Who will make up the rest of the tribes? Will the expansion green tribe continue to go on a tear? We’ll have to find out on Wednesday night.