Survivor: David vs. Goliath – What to watch for in episode 4

Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Tribe swaps add an extra dimension to the game of Survivor. In tonight’s episode, it will be exciting to see which castaways are able to adapt and capitalize on their new position in the game.

With the upcoming tribe swap in today’s episode of Survivor: David vs. Goliath, there are several interesting storylines waiting to be developed. Are the castaways going to be split into two tribes or three? Are there going to be new tribe names, or will they hold onto the David vs. Goliath theme? Even more interesting than that is the prospect of new alliances, power shifts, and idol hunts. Here are three of the biggest storylines to keep an eye on for tonight’s episode of Survivor.

1) Is it time for the Idol Nullifier to emerge? The promo for episode 4 emphasized twist after twist would be revealed. One of these twists might be the new advantage Jeff Probst talked about before the start of this season. The new advantage is called the Idol Nullifier, and if it’s played on the correct person on the night they use their Hidden Immunity Idol, that idol will not block any votes.

The preview also showcased players searching for something. It could be an idol, but my guess is production is ready to crack out the Idol Nullifier. How does this impact the game? So far two people have an idol: Dan and Davie. Not only did Dan find it with Natalia and Kara by his side, but Jeremy also discovered his idol and told basically everyone on the Goliath tribe about it. This information makes an Idol Nullifier so much more valuable.

2) Will the power couples stay together after the swap? Unlike previous seasons of Survivor, there doesn’t seem to be a solid alliance with four or more people on any of the tribes. Instead, we’ve seen many pairs form tight bounds including Dan and Kara, Elizabeth and Lyrsa, Angelina and John, Gabby and Christian, Nick and Christian, and the list goes on.

This interesting trend may lead to a few couples grouping together to form an alliance regardless of their original tribal lines. Yes, a bunch of those pairs will likely be split up due to the tribe swap, but the couples that do end up on the same tribe are given a huge advantage.

3) Will the original tribe members stick together? One of the biggest questions we ask in every tribe swap is if the castaways will stay loyal to their original tribe members. After watching the social dynamics from the first few episodes, my guess is no. This presents an exciting situation as blurred tribal lines lead to new alliances and potential blindsides.

A few people who I’m keeping my eye on are Nick, Elizabeth, Angelina, and Alison. These four castaways have proven to be strong social players, and their pregame interviews showed their willingness to make big strategic moves.

Tonight’s episode of Survivor will definitely help in revealing an answer to those three questions as we get to experience the first tribal swap of Survivor: David vs. Goliath.