Survivor: David vs. Goliath episode 5 synopsis – Questionable hints

Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The Survivor: David vs. Goliath episode 5 synopsis teases what’s going on with one player’s game and the potential shutdown of everybody’s games.

Warning: The plot synopsis of Survivor: David vs. Goliath episode 5, paired with the promo airing as a television commercial, may tease a big event in next week’s show.

Production has to toe a fine line when it comes to taking care of its Survivor players. Give them too much, and it becomes an island paradise in the casual audience’s eyes, fanning the flame in the simmering argument for “just how real is this show.” Give them too little when they need it, and you almost have a player’s last moments air on television a la Caleb Reynolds in Kaoh Rong.

When Jeff Probst gave the David vs. Goliath tribes a tarp in episode 2, it was clear that production had to give the players at least the opportunity to make fire with their newly-acquired flints. Flash forward to Survivor: David vs. Goliath episode 5, “Jackets and Eggs,” and the synopsis teases that the violent weather in Fiji is only going to get worse. But first; a focus on gameplay!

“One castaway has some scrambling to do after being on the wrong side of the vote,” the synopsis teases, suggesting that Kara Kay is in trouble over at Vuku after being blindsided by her Goliath tribemate Alec and David players Elizabeth and Davie. The latter still has the tribe’s Immunity Idol, however, so the only scrambling Kara can successfully pull off is convince the others to vote out Alec.

That’s not all the synopsis is hinting at, as it turns out. “Also, another turbulent storm puts a sudden halt to the game,” it finishes, which can only mean one thing; the tribes are likely going to be evacuated from their camps. The promo showed players returning to destroyed camps, which only makes sense if it happens during a challenge or if they were evacuated.

Considering both challenges in the next episode are during dry days, per the press photos, it can only mean that for the second time in Survivor history, the game will come to a halt in an awkward spot. David vs. Goliath is set to go the Millennials vs. Gen X route, as the players left their camps in the opening days of the season.