With the swap bringing about gerrymandered tribes, the Survivor: David vs. Goliath power rankings for episode 5 looks at each player’s strength right now.
15. Alec Merlino
You know what’s a surefire way to tank your game? Be the first player in Survivor to flip, do so fairly early in the game and in a position where it would have guaranteed your safety not to flip. Alec is here to make big movez instead, opting to vote out Natalia. Now, Carl joins the Vuku tribe where the Davids outnumber the Goliath 3-2; something that’s the opposite on every other tribe.
If Carl, Elizabeth and Davie were smart, they’d throw as many challenges as possible to vote out one of the strongest available Goliath players, Alec. He’s already shown he can’t be trusted by voting out Natalia!
14. Kara Kay
Kara’s in the same boat. Although I’m certain Elizabeth would ask for Alec to go first due to how strong a first connection she and Kara made when meeting up for the first time, a million dollars is what she’s fighting for. Kara’s not going to spin a yarn with Carl, convince Elizabeth to flip or get Devilish Davie to not play the game properly.
13. Natalie Cole
I have a feeling that Jabeni might not head to Tribal Council due to the polarizing strength of Natalie’s villain edit alone (it seems destined for the merge), but there are too many hints at her losing grips with how the social game of Survivor is played. You can’t just “not” socialize with people you “intend” to vote out and bark orders aggressively when you’ve been told it’s a problem.