The tribes have swapped, and players have started to play the “me” game versus the “we” game with our Survivor: David vs. Goliath episode 4 edgic.
There are a few important edgic moments in every season of Survivor. You want to see impact players have a bit of a showing during the swap, especially if they’re not going to Tribal Council. The merge is perhaps the most important time for a player to step forward, but building a compelling story is key for David vs. Goliath players right now at episode 4.
Having a player quit does take a bit of the focus away, but for the most part, we saw a lot of players getting their time in the spotlight. Unfortunately, we did get our second invisible edit of the season, all but eliminating that player from the potential to win the season at large. Overall, though, it’s been an amazingly balanced edit so far, and our Survivor edgic chart shows.
In fact, take a gander of our Survivor: David vs. Goliath episode 4 edgic layout below:
Complex Personalities
Alec Merlino (CP4): For the first time all season, Alec was pushed to the forefront in order to make his first big move. The combination of Elizabeth and Davie ran him over, while Natalia’s pushiness and general controlling personality (telling allies to shut up, bullying Davie) helped push him to take a risk. He offered a reasoned take for why he flipped, even though logically it will be his undoing.
Davie Rickenbacker (CP5): This was a great episode for Mr. Rickenbacker, as he got to explore more of his Devilish Davie side. He got to play the game without having to use his idol, effectively convincing Alec (alongside Elizabeth) to betray the girls and establish himself as the tribe leader in a Vuku now with Davids running the show. All he needs now is to see more alliance-establishing scenes to strengthen his winner edit, which looks strong at this point.
Elizabeth Olson (CPP5): When Elizabeth was robbed of all credit in her move to vote out Jessica, I had feared for the worst for the Texan mom. However, she showed that she thrives in Tribal Council episodes, as her “never get up” fighter mom persona shine through. She got a lot of positivity from Davie and Kara and gets half credit for pushing big moves on Alec to get him to flip to her during a very public Tribal Council.
Mike White (CP3): Ned Schneebly’s edit has kept him present and in the eyes of viewers at home, although this time his complex personality is balanced between his game and Nick’s game. He seems to have the voice of reason guiding him in his head, acknowledging and being open to an alliance while knowing the tribe balance math. He might be buying too much into what Nick’s selling, however.
Nick Wilson (CP3): Having to scramble for security, Nick didn’t have to go far to find a crack within the 3-2 Goliath-David majority on the new-look Jabeni tribe. He saw Mike’s displeasure with Natalie barking orders and did what he does best; enter a named alliance playing on Mike White’s School of Rock days. He has a great balance of winner quotes, “never give up” quotes, alliances and personal content. The only question; did his opening episode bury him too much?
Over the Top
Christian Hubicki (OTTP4): Once again, Christian has been given a lot of visibility and attention on a tribe set to dominate. Everyone wants to be his friend; he’s opened himself to a role as the Comptroller of Slamtown, he has jocks stumbling over to say “I’m a nerd, too, Christian!” in confessionals and Gabby continues to lean on him as a pillar of support. Everything’s coming up Christian!
Gabby Pascuzzi (OTTP3): After a strong opening episode, the Survivor: David vs. Goliath editors keep putting Gabby in underdog spots, appealing to Christian to help solve her problems. While it could be setting up for their deep run in the season, it continues to chip away at Gabby’s winner chances, making her look like someone who cries rather than plays.
Let’s make things clear; the edit is picking her most vulnerable spots for narrative purposes. Christian even said in a confessional that he leans on her when he’s down as much as she leans on him, and she’s only crying in confessionals or showing weakness in privacy with Christian. Her dominant Immunity Challenge performance solidified her rise to prominence, so let’s hope that upswing continues going forward.
Natalie Cole (OTTN3): (The visibility of OTTN3 will be updated on the chart next week) Natalie has descended from a player unaware of their social status to one willingly, knowingly throwing away their social game by not “wasting her time” getting to know Nick and Lyrsa. She underestimates them and overestimates Goliath staying strong, thinking she can get away with bossing her tribe around.
Natalie Azoqa (OTTN4): The proxy war between Natalie vs. Natalia has come to an end, and it was Natalia that burned out quickly before fading away. She told her alliance members to shut up, she acted paranoid at almost every circumstance, she threatened Davie if he didn’t vote on her side; she did everything she could to convince Alec that it’s a smart idea to flip. That’s a lot of effort to make yourself out to be the villain.
Middle of the Road
Carl Boudreaux (MORP3): Having been sidelined for the majority of the episode, Carl’s edit this episode might be leaning one of two ways. I tend to think him securing the Idol Nullifier, paired with the notion that it’s the slingshot he needs to take out Goliath, suggests that it will be the tool he needs to win. Pair that with his heroic post-blindside confessional, we see a lot of Carl when we don’t need to.
No disrespect to Carl, but the fact that he’s been highlighted more than he needs to as one of the lesser entertaining players might play into a possible winner edit. He’s got a lot of positivity for someone who’s not in as tough a spot as other blindsided players.
John Hennigan (MORP2): This was a huge episode for John; he’s making himself more relatable to the audience. He’s dropped all the personas that he named in the first episode, showing how he’s awkward and geeky similar to Christian. He’s saying all the right things to justify a Goliath winning over a David, and he’s still got the Davids clamoring to him, and the edit backs his positivity.
Kara Kay (MOR4): Without a complicated vote procedure, Kara Kay was a player in the middle of two factions of the Vuku tribe. She was receptive of Natalia as her partner, she was willing to expand her social circle with Elizabeth, and she was fairly visible without being the focus. It’s a a higher visibility for a middle-of-the-road episode that saw her completely on the outs of the vote.
Under the Radar/Invisible
Angelina Keeley (UTR2): After two episodes where she showed strategic prowess and the previous episode where she controlled the Goliath tribe and whipped the vote, Angelina needed and earned a cooldown. She still talked smack about Natalie’s disrespect at camp, showing she’s still tuned into the action.
Dan Rengering (UTR2): Dan got a fair bit of content despite not being in front of the cameras much. He was bummed out on not being on Kara’s tribe, and he helped the eager Christian learn how to chop bamboo. Two under the radar episodes in a row is not great for Dan, and the fact that now Nick knows about his Immunity Idol does not bode well. As G.I. Joe points out; knowledge is power.
Lyrsa Torres (UTR1): Were it not for Jeff Probst acknowledging Lyrsa and her hands-on-hips stance at the swap to the Jabeni tribe, Lyrsa would be invisible this episode. When she could have been voted out over Nick due to the 3-2 tribal lines, that’s a bad sign. She was invisible in the previous episode, too, which is awful for someone with four Tribal Council votes against them.
Bi Nguyen (UTRP1): Her tearful exit from the game, even though it qualifies as a quit, was marked with empathy from both her tribe and the opposing tribe. From John as an athlete to Angelina as a fan of the game, Bi was given a graceful exit; one more positive (and quicker) than most quitters in the game.
Alison Raybould (INV): Who is this person? Do they exist? Ever since being privilege-shamed by Jeff Probst in the opening challenge, Alison has been very, very quiet. I’m not sure if she said anything this episode; only shooting a worried glance to Angelina on the other tribe’s mat.