Survivor: David vs. Goliath episode 6 promo brings Halloween spooks

Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Though there are no spooky, scary skeletons, CBS marketing department brings Halloween fun with their Survivor: David vs. Goliath episode 6 promo.

Though it looks like a walk in the park for any cocky person watching the show from home on their couch eating potato chips, Survivor can be downright awful, horrendous and even scary at times. Removing yourself from society for 39 days, your mind plays tricks on you, as your survival instincts and lack of proper food start to eat away at your mind.

It’s a different kind of scary than what the commercial gurus at CBS whipped up for the Survivor: David vs. Goliath episode 6 promo, going with the more traditional “try to convince parents to bring their children home from Halloween in time for Survivor” route. In this, we see scared Gabby, a Devilish Davey and Elizabeth waking up to her worst nightmare.

Let’s start with Gabby. It’s clear that the editors have set her up to go on the ultimate journey edit, with this promo showing her embracing Alison. She’s scared about fitting in, and it looks like she and Alison are setting themselves up for a blindside on the Goliath majority. Considering it’s happened on Vuku and Jabeni tribes already, staying “Goliath strong” might not be strong at all.

Over at Jabeni, Mike knows that Angelina will forgive, but not forget. He saw firsthand how convincing she was in flipping the first Goliath vote over from Natalie to Jeremy, and he’s reinforcing that fact by saying she can’t be trusted. Finally, Elizabeth goes over the same issue with Davie as seen in the “Next Time On” preview, though we don’t know what that issue is yet.

There hasn’t been a Halloween episode since Survivor: Philippines’ merge, and it feels like a waste for it not to happen during Ghost Island. Oh well!