9. Lyrsa Torres
Though I don’t think she’s at a big risk of being voted out on the Jabeni tribe, she is in the weakest position of all players not immediately at risk. She has triple the number of votes of everyone else left in Survivor: David vs. Goliath, she’s received votes twice, Nick’s not as connected to Lyrsa as she is to Mike and she’s on the tribe with the fewest players left. All of those are mitigating factors.
8. Carl Boudreaux
While I thought we had seen too much of low-necessity Carl content in the past, with his shining moment on Vuku so far being reading tree mail about evacuating the game, I think it might have been necessary content only. He has an Idol Nullifier, and I expect it to have an impact in the future. Whether or not it’s a successful play remains a mystery.
7. Mike White
Mike’s in an interesting spot at this point in the game. He has a semi-tight partnership with Nick, but little does he know that Nick has been wheeling and dealing with his alliances. He helped take out the pain in his side with Natalie’s vote-out. He can position himself with either Nick or the Goliaths at the merge, and I think he makes it there to make things interesting.