Survivor: David vs. Goliath episode 6 – Storylines to watch

Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Jackets, the Rockstar alliance, and the Brochachos were key elements of last week’s episode. How will they play out in tonight’s episode of Survivor: David vs. Goliath?

With Napalm Natalie and “Jacketgate”,  we were definitely in for a treat last week. That brings us to episode 6, which marks the first time since the premiere that the Davids and Goliaths have the same amount of members left in the game. Here are three interesting storylines to keep an eye on during tonight’s edition of Survivor.

1) How long will Brochachos last?

Promos for tonight’s episode have revealed a potential for the ultimate Survivor blindside! Alison feels like it’s time to turn on Dan, and she approaches Gabby with a plan. Gabby has felt like she’s been on the outs of this tribe ever since she got here, especially with three men forming the Brochachos alliance.

We’ve already seen Gabby’s ability to control the power when she was able to sway the vote from Lyrsa to Jessica. So if Gabby is on board with Alison, I could see Christian reluctantly agreeing to cooperate with the blindside, if they do end up going to Tribal Council.

At the same time, we’ve seen very little of Alison in terms of confessionals, especially ones related to her strategic game. It seems rather unlikely that the edit will show someone we have barely seen, suddenly make a significant strategic move out of nowhere. While that doesn’t rule out a Dan blindside, my guess is that Gabby tells Christian about it and they decide to vote out Alison instead.

2) Is Mike done being Goliath strong?

The big question from the last episode was if the Natalie vote was an emotional vote or a strategic vote for Mike? It could very well be a bit of both. However, we did see in the promos Mike get suspicious of Angelina and consider taking her out.

The fact is, Angelina’s attempt to receive Natalie’s jacket made her social manipulation transparent to the rest of the tribe. The promo even showed Lyrsa getting annoyed by Angelina’s antics. All of these factors could motivate Mike to turn on Angelina and place his full trust in his Rockstars alliance with Nick.

3) Will the Davids maintain their majority at the orange tribe?

Now that the orange Vuku tribe has three David members and two Goliaths, it looks like it’s either Alec or Kara going next. However, the promos gave us another hint, showing Elizabeth absolutely lose it with Davie. This scene could have been taken out of context, but it doesn’t look like the three remaining David members on that tribe are as strong as we thought.

The great part about the Vuku tribe is that it’s hard to tell what’s exactly happening with them. How close is Carl to Davie and Elizabeth? Are Kara and Alec going to work against each other? How do the Davids view Alec after his big move to blindside his original tribe member? It will be fascinating to watch the social dynamics of this tribe play out!