Survivor: David vs. Goliath merge promo teases madness

Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

If the promo for Survivor: David vs. Goliath merge episode, “There’s Gonna Be Tears Shed,” is to be believed, we’re in for a messy merge.

It’s safe to say that compared to the last few seasons of Survivor, we’ve seen one of the most entertaining, complex, dynamic seasons and casts on television with David vs. Goliath. It has a mixture of old-school character development and new-school tactical play, with some interesting challenges and social politics shining through.

Because it’s been so dynamic, it means that the players coming together at the merge is going to bring about a collision somewhere within. That much has been teased in the Survivor: David vs. Goliath merge promo airing on television, where there’s so much going on in the span of 20 seconds you have to slow things down to break down the storylines.

First, we get confirmation that the merge tribes are joining up at Tiva’s beach, as they earned the right after not visiting Tribal Council. Alec has a long confessional detailing breaking alliances while talking to Dan, with Dan’s reply confessional saying, “I am furious.” This makes me think that Alec lets others know that Dan has a Hidden Immunity Idol, which makes sense given Dan’s security in the game so far.

Later we see Angelina crying and Kara saying, “It could be much worse.” This makes me think that the two had less power than they thought at the merge, with Alec flipping being an act of giving away the majority. There’s also Alec talking to Carl when talking about blindsides, with a ton of quick cuts of Davids and Goliaths, respectively, talking strategy and ends with Christian talking about a huge piece of information.

With Alec openly defecting in the merge episode after a few episodes of invisibility, it will be interesting to see if he’s headed on the way out or pushing to become a bigger player in Survivor: David vs. Goliath. Showmances are returning, original tribes are re-acquainting, information is being shared and everyone’s playing for a million dollars. Let’s keep a great season going!