11. Elizabeth Olson
There are several moments where I think that Elizabeth shines brightly early on in Survivor: David vs. Goliath. Her game awareness was off the charts when blindsiding Jessica, Carl, Davie and Bi, letting Lyrsa know she was the target and correctly pinning the vote on the right target. She also pushed Alec’s buttons the right way to ensure him making a big move and save herself at the Natalia boot.
However, the edit has undercut her strengths, as well. All the credit for making the Jessica boot was removed from her in the next episode’s “Previously On” segment, making it look like it wasn’t her move. Additionally, she just had a major blowup at the Vuku camp, huffing and puffing with sudden intensity like she was a stubborn Sandy Cheeks, further fracturing the David minority ahead of the merge.
With Lyrsa voted out of the game, her strongest connection is Nick; someone who didn’t even give her an alliance name. Though the two worked together in the Jessica blindside, Elizabeth was also edited out of the “let’s blindside Gabby” conversations and doesn’t have a strong standing with the Davids she blindsided. She could find herself to be the voting target if Carl and Davie get their way.