Survivor: David vs. Goliath episode 7 – Immunity Challenge

Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The first Individual Immunity Challenge on Survivor: David vs. Goliath may turn out to be the most unique challenge of the season!

You’re probably not the only one who was puzzled after Jeff explained the rules for last night’s Immunity Challenge. Spinning a pendulum? How are they going to keep momentum? Then the challenge began and it answered all of our questions. Feel free to rewatch this hypnotic challenge from Survivor: David vs. Goliath again and again!

The thirteen castaways were tasked with swinging a pendulum around a metal frame. In the middle of the frame rests an idol on a slightly raised pedestal. There are three ways that a player can get eliminated:

  1. Stepping off the platform
  2. Letting their idol drop off of the pedestal
  3. Losing momentum, or failing to get the pendulum through the frame.

The challenge began once every castaway had momentum, which gave everyone a chance to at least get used to the motion needed to keep their pendulum swinging. It wasn’t long into the challenge before Mike banged his pendulum into the frame and became the first one out. Christian lost soon after, and Carl, Gabby, Kara, and Nick weren’t too far behind them.

Jeff then announced the 15-minute mark, which brought an additional wrinkle to the challenge. The remaining seven castaways were given just a few seconds to switch hands. Davie and Angelina could not maintain momentum after the switch. Alec didn’t last long either, causing a reaction from Gabby.

The Mayor of Slamtown appeared to be owning this challenge until he suddenly stepped off his platform. It came down to Dan, Alison, and Elizabeth. As all three were in a steady rhythm, Dan began talking to himself under his breath, coming off as a little arrogant. Then Dan’s pendulum was whacking the metal frame so often that his idol fell to the ground.

Alison and Elizabeth were locked in, providing an intense battle to the finish. It just felt like Elizabeth knew she needed to win immunity tonight. However, Alison outlasted her, winning the first Individual Immunity of the season!

The best part of the challenge is how neutral it was. Often in the individual portion of the game, there are endurance and balance challenges that favour smaller body types. This wasn’t the case for this challenge, as it basically came down to who could maintain their focus and consistency longer. It was also entertaining to watch a challenge that was so different from anything else we have seen before!

Top performers and potential threats: Does Alison’s immunity win paint her as a challenge threat that needs to be taken out? At this point, it doesn’t. It’s still very early and there are plenty of other physical threats that are more intimidating than Alison.

Other than that, John had a great run in this challenge, proving that he could be competitive in more than just challenges that rely on physical strength. Dan continued to be a force in challenges as well. This fascinating challenge added even more spice to last night’s merge episode, and it will be fun watching these strong athletes fight it out in challenges to come.

Immunity Challenge Rankings:

Creativity: 5/5

Difficulty: 2/5

Entertainment Value: 4/5