Survivor: David vs. Goliath episode 7 – Big takeaways

Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved. /

Episode 7 of Survivor: David vs. Goliath gave us another first. For the only time in Survivor history, there was a unanimous vote after the merge!

When you think of a unanimous vote, you would probably expect a boring and predictable episode of Survivor. That didn’t happen on Survivor: David vs. Goliath. The merge developed several interesting storylines despite the fact that everyone voted the same way. Here are three key takeaways from this episode.

The David vs. Goliath theme is being used as a shield for strategic players. The big question going into the merge was whether or not original tribal lines would play a significant role in alliances moving forward. The answer is yes, but with a twist.

Right away, the Goliaths made it clear that they wanted to stay strong, as they spent what seemed like hours talking and walking on the beach together. However, three original Goliath members formed a counterintelligence alliance with three other Davids.

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So while the more loyal Goliaths including John, Dan, and Kara are convinced that it’s tribe against tribe; Alec, Mike, and Alison know it’s just a façade. Or at least, that’s how it stands at the moment. Either way, tribal lines are bending but at are not broken.

The counterintelligence alliance showed us who’s playing the game. The six castaways that are part of this inter-tribe alliance are arguably the most strategic of the season. While the other Goliaths and Davids seem to be content with sticking with their original tribes (or at least that’s what the edit shows), these six players saw the need to build relationships with more than just one set of people.

One surprising aspect of this alliance was that Alec took the lead. Even though we did see him make a big move earlier in the season, it didn’t look like the smartest decision at the time. However, Alec has not lifted his foot off the gas and vigorously tried to shake things up again by forming an alliance with a balance of Goliath and David members.

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Gabby and Christian have proven themselves as strong social and strategic threats, and they were also a key part of this new alliance. Mike has shown his ability to play the game without being too aggressive like Angelina. Nick isn’t only a strategic player, but he also formed bonds with Christian and Mike, so he was a given to join this secret six alliance.

Lastly, we have Alison. Despite her not receiving meaningful confessionals throughout most of the pre-merge game, her strategic thinking came through during the past two episodes. It is exciting to see six strong players form an alliance together, and I’m hoping they can stick with it!

The best is yet to come! No idols or advantages have been played, and this season has still been very entertaining. Many viewers have complained about constant advantages and an overload of idols being used over the past three seasons. So it’s relieving to watch seven episodes of Survivor without ANY idols or secret advantages impacting the vote.

That means we have three idols and one Idol Nullifier all in play, with only twelve people left. This season proves that Survivor can be entertaining without relying on advantages to spice things up. It has been the strong social game and dynamic characters that have driven the pace of this season.

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When a great social game meets a great strategic game with idols thrown in the mix, we’re poised for one of the best seasons of Survivor in the modern era!