Survivor: David vs. Goliath will air first 2-hour episode on Nov. 28


With 20 players competing in the season, Survivor: David vs. Goliath was begging for a two-hour episode to kick things up a notch.

It feels like Survivor: David vs. Goliath shouldn’t be going as well as it has so far. We’ve seen the first player eliminated from the game hurt themselves in an off-screen accident that ruptured their back, we saw one of the strongest women in the game quit, most of the game’s women have been voted out and there are three Hidden Immunity Idols and one Idol Nullifier in the wild.

Yet, there’s something magical about this cast of characters that makes them an excellent group of people to cheer, jeer and root for as the television viewing audience. It helps that we started the season with a 90-minute episode to help build up everyone’s personalities, as even the most under-edited character outshined that of Purple Chelsea last season.

Now that Thanksgiving is approaching and we’re just past the merge, cutting down Survivor: David vs. Goliath’s cast from 12 to three will be accomplished with more feature-length episodes.

If you look at the upcoming CBS schedule on the company’s website, it shows that on Wednesday, November 28, Survivor: David vs. Goliath is currently scheduled for a two-hour episode. It will be the first such double-length episode of the season, surpassing the length of the 90-minute debut that saw David and Goliath establish their tribes, their personalities and allow audiences to understand the characters.

It comes at a bit of an odd time as usually, the longer episodes happen right before Thanksgiving. As my many American friends who remind me, a Canadian, I’m doing it wrong in mid-October, as the US version comes on the fourth Thursday of November; the 22nd this year. Maybe this will be settled in a future “Canada vs. USA” season of the show!