9. Davie Rickenbacker
After being completely shut out of the merge episode, I’ve designated Davie Rickenbacker as the funny self-described “blerd” who’s here for personality, not so much gameplay. He said zero things last episode; I’ve already written infinite more words describing Davie in this paragraph than Davie said in total during the merge.
What puts him above Carl is that he has the Hidden Immunity Idol, meaning he has protection in case things go wrong. Nobody knows that he has the idol, either, making it hard for others to try to target him and vote him out in a blindside because he has the idol. With the current Strike Force plan either going after Angelina or sacrificing another David, Davie’s likable enough to not be an outright obvious vote target.
This kind of puts Davie into a lame duck scenario, waiting for the game to open up around him. He was a bit of an interesting character before the merge that didn’t really make game connections back then, and it’s showing now when players are angling to craft their way to the end. It’s a bit of a shame that he’s in this spot right now.