We’ve just passed the most important edgic moment in Survivor: David vs. Goliath, as the merge episode helped solidify some potential winners.
After arriving, and completing, the Survivor: David vs. Goliath episode 7 merge, we’ve finally learned a lot about where each of the players stands in the game. Not only did we see middling players push through at the merge in an attempt to make big moves, but we also saw some former frontrunners dive off a cliff.
When it comes to editing balance, David vs. Goliath is in a stellar place at the merge. The most confessionals any player has is 21, and two players are at that cap. There are also two players who have reached 20, one player at 18, a departing player at 17 and a re-emerged contender at 15. We even had players break through to almost double their total to 14.
Almost everyone has been balanced in their edit by Survivor: David vs. Goliath episode 7, as our edgic chart looks at where everyone lies.

Merge episode winner contenders
Christian Hubicki (CPP3): When it comes to edgic, the first and middle episodes of a Survivor season are imperative. The way the editing slighted Christian droning on and on about algorithms before cutting away from one of his confessionals felt like the editors were setting him up for a charming underdog edit.
Now that we’ve seen Christian commandeering the merge alliance and people from all walks are coming to him or defending him or flipping votes away from him to others, paired with the motivational moment from the last episode pre-merge, I’m ready to deal with Christian; the legitimate Survivor winner contender.
Nick Wilson (MOR2): Though a lot of Nick’s friends made the merge alliance surrounding Nick and who he’s close to, he kind of woke up to this alliance as it fell in his lap. It seemed like what control he had before the merge is slipping, even if he’s in a good position. His closest allies are Mike and Christian, and they seem more content to lead the way. Perhaps Nick can slip in near the end and win a la Adam Klein.
Kara Kay (M0R3): Every time I look at Kara’s edit, I feel like it’s bubble-wrapped in positivity when it’s not necessary to add her in. Like, of all the Goliath players left in the game, Kara’s edit seems less vulnerable than everyone else, even when she’s not making alliances or spitting strategy. It’s very Michele Fitzgerald-y, although her lack of control at the merge is interesting.

Gabby Pascuzzi (CPP3): Gabby’s been hovering in the 5-8 spots for my Survivor: David vs. Goliath edgic winner contenders deliberation the past few episodes, but here she regains what strength she had in the early episodes. Not only was she in the middle of a compelling alliance, but she was also the voice of the Davids not content to sit still and lie down while hoping the Strike Force plan comes together.
Even though she was a willing participant in the Elizabeth-oriented shading of Angelina, she showed how to pressure others at Tribal Council and pivot power away from those who thought they had it most. She wielded tears as daggers, using her emotions to convey frustration and obfuscate a larger plan in place. She’s destined for the end game; hopefully, she gets more beaming content going forward.
Fringe winner contenders
Mike White (MOR2): Mike was pivotal in gathering the Davids and Goliaths together to make a Final Six group that feels like everyone is on equal footing. The last few episodes have seen Mike take more of a leadership role for a large-picture plan, while not getting bogged down in the intricacies of Goliath’s voting targets. He hasn’t gotten a lot of heartfelt personal content, however, which is holding him back.
Alison Raybould (UTRP2): Though she’s likely had too little screentime overall to make for a compelling winner, Alison’s story seems to be developing appropriately under the radar at the merge. She had the first confessional of the episode, talking about how the game starts now, and was in pivotal alliance talks and vote target decisions. Plus, as she won the Immunity Necklace, she talked about how she’s making her parents proud.
That’s the kind of unnecessarily positive content that hints at her making the Loved One’s visit, at the minimum.

Edge winner cases
Alec Merlino (CPN5): I’ve given Alec a light N-toned designation at the merge, only because the Goliath women called him sketchy for the Natalia vote and when Alec came into the frame when Dan, Kara and Angelina discussed David voting targets first, the orchestral score suddenly turned dark and gloomy.

Alec was driving the action at the merge, showing his strategic prowess and his thoughts on how the action of the game should dictate within his parameters. However, I still think he’s playing a little bit too hard, too late, and is still a big threat with no real backup plans or close partnerships with anybody but Alison (a connection that hasn’t really made a strong impression on TV).
John Hennigan (MOR2): It might be a tad generous to be giving John a chance at winning the game, but he has shown signs of brilliance. He helped steer the vote away from his Brochacho Christian and managed to avoid any blowback from doing so. People still come to him for guidance and don’t view him as the huge threat he is.
However, his strategies at the merge were self-oriented and countered the story being presented. He humorously talked about eating like a mad lad to maintain his gains and vote Goliath strong. Being the voice of “Goliath strong” with a counterinsurgency plan in place is not a good look in the edit.
Out of the running
Angelina Keeley (CPN5): We saw it early in Angelina’s arc; she said she was going to manipulate her way to the top. We saw it work successfully in action at the Jeremy boot, as she helped flip others to vote her way. Then, once she tried the weakest cover story to in-lieu vote out Natalie and tried to get her jacket as she was out the door (and failed to get that jacket), it’s all been downhill for Angelina.
Now we see at the merge that her Goliath contingent fully sees through her facade, turning around on her Christian decision. We also saw Angelina betray her alliance the first moment things don’t go her way, and her game imploded at Tribal Council when everyone saw her betrayal as an attempt to secure a jury vote. Angelina voted out both her and Elizabeth’s chances to win.

Dan Rengering (OTTM4): Even though Dan Rengering is in a relatively safe position with his two idols, the edit continues to counter his positive moments by undercutting him with negativity. He had to be calmed down by Kara when the first signs of trouble come his way, as he complains with no outward reasoning to the fact that he’s a big threat.
He’s become the de-facto target of the Davids should that side swing the axe in their favor, and it’s possible that he could go out using his Hidden Immunity Idols to protect both him and Kara. The way Kara’s edit is going, he looks to be a stepping stone for her journey forward.
Carl Boudreaux (OTT2): Though he still has the “new advantage edit” going for him, Carl’s story of the merge was to get drunk and spill the beans about Elizabeth. Now that she’s out of the game, where does his story go from here? Does it go much further than his Idol Nullifier? I don’t see what else comes from him in Survivor: David vs. Goliath.
Davie Rickenbacker (INV): The dude had zero lines in the merge. Though there have been invisible edits at the merge before (Caleb from Blood vs. Water comes to mind), I can’t remember it ever happening to someone who had a shot to win earlier in the season. It’s killed his game in the Survivor edgic.
Elizabeth Olson (CPM4): All it took was for one drunken series of mini-rants and Elizabeth became the almost-consensus Goliath vote and the merge boot of Survivor: David vs. Goliath. The previous episode’s mini-explosion over the split bamboo showed that it was hard for Elizabeth to convince others to be sympathetic. Her aggressive throwing of Angelina under the bus at Tribal Council and not before Tribal Council showed the lack of tact in her game.
Still, she’s a great character that I’d love to see in a future season sometime.