Survivor Ponderosa: David vs. Goliath juror no. 2 slams some pizzas


Reflecting on life before and after the game, Survivor: David vs. Goliath’s second juror arrives at Ponderosa ready to chow down on food and life advice.

Warning: This post will discuss the events of Survivor: David vs. Goliath episode 8, including who was sent to Ponderosa as the second member of the jury.

What an amazing Tribal Council we just witnessed. With 12 votes live heading into the reveal, Davie stood up, to everyone’s surprise, to play a Hidden Immunity Idol that nobody knew about, canceling votes against Christian. With Angelina begging and wearing Dan down, the Florida Hot Cop would follow suit by using one of his own idols to save Angelina. Little did he know that the third Brochacho, John, would be voted out because of it.

Well, there were three votes for John and two for Angelina, but it’s not like John had that bumbling around his head as he headed off to Survivor Ponderosa, as the second juror of David vs. Goliath was all smiles on his way out the door. You could tell how jacked John was compared to most players of the game, as his post-game medical saw the velcro of the heart rate monitor quickly ripped as it expanded around his goofy-big muscles.

Though nobody can replace the high-energy silliness of Michelle Schubert as Queen of Ponderosa, Elizabeth did a great job of meeting almost a complete stranger like John and helping him get reacquainted with society. She was the keen eyes making sure the guy who ate rice for 22 days didn’t eat more at Ponderosa, while also providing marriage vow advice for then-to-be groom John.

We even saw a bit of vulnerability from the Mayor of Slamtown, noting that sometimes he pushes others away while enveloping himself in his persona. That makes me happy to see the real John Hennigan shine through in Survivor: David vs. Goliath, as he provided a well-rounded character that far surpasses that of a wrestling gimmick.