10. Mike White
Though he was playing pretty great for most of the Survivor: David vs. Goliath season, having most of the control of the game wasn’t enough. It’s a common trait in the show; get yourself in a good position, stumble in an attempt to secure all the power and find yourself exposed and vulnerable in the next round.
Mike did a great job to work with Alison and Alec to bridge the tribal gap with Nick, Christian and Gabby to create a secret alliance that would be perfect to strike at Final 11, setting up the team to get to the Final Six with nary a concern. However, Gabby made it look like the Davids were upset with the Goliaths at the merge Tribal Council, making Mike concerned about the Davids mounting a comeback.
In attempting to blindside Christian, he stumbled in a few ways. First, he told Christian he was concerned about Gabby’s commitment to the alliance. He also told Alec, one of the key gap-bridgers within the alliance, that Christian was his target. Most importantly, he tried to make a big move against his top allies at Final 12.
Mike has put his foot out there, and without an idol to protect him, he may have fired way too early.