6. Christian Hubicki
I had figured that eventually, someone would figure out that Christian is sort of the emblematic “hero” of Survivor: David vs. Goliath, essentially necessitating his attempted elimination from the game. It makes sense that Mike White, the writer, actor, director and producer of Hollywood films and TV HBO programming would be able to point that out and illustrate it in a surreal meta moment.
As great as it was, it does put Christian’s name in the mouths of the Goliaths. Even though it was Davie who used the Hidden Immunity Idol on Christian to save him under a plan constructed with the help of Nick, he’s defied the wishes of the Goliaths by staying alive in the game for another round. It also shows the Davids that he’s a bigger target in front of them, so you may see others lead behind him.
At the same time, Christian did stay safe because of his standing in the game, even though it meant the elimination of a fellow Brochacho in John Hennigan. The fact that Nick is making moves without Christian as co-leader, and his leading Goliath partner, Mike, tried to get him out of the game, shows Christian’s vulnerability in Survivor: David vs. Goliath has been exposed.