4. Davie Rickenbacker
Though he went completely wordless in the Survivor: David vs. Goliath merge episode, Davie planted his flag in the game. His voice was loudest at the last Tribal Council, as he “kept a secret” from everyone that he had a Hidden Immunity Idol when playing it for Christian, saving his game and the games of the remaining Davids.
However, he made his move in a way that doesn’t necessarily elevate his threat level. Sure, he was completely underestimated by Mike and now shows he’s a bigger game-player than once though, but Christian is still planted in the majority’s heads as the player with the best chance at winning. Furthermore, other players like Dan, Mike and Angelina are still wanted out of the game before him.
Additionally, this past episode planted Davie’s standing within the power alliance of David players. He’s now working with Nick, Carl and Christian to drive the action going forward, and is knowledgeable of all the game’s remaining advantages (save Dan’s second Hidden Immunity Idol). Once the Davids start to target each other, he’s not target number one, either.