We only get one Survivor: David vs. Goliath episode 9 preview video for the week, taking a peek at the upcoming Reward Challenge and what’s at stake.
This post will showcase the Survivor: David vs. Goliath episode 9 preview video, highlighting the moments before the Reward Challenge and illustrating what exactly castaways will do, and compete for, throughout.
With alliances blurred and the Final 11 in disarray after a chaotic Tribal Council in the previous episode, it feels like Survivor: David vs. Goliath episode 9 will be pivotal in setting the tone for the rest of the season. We are approaching the middle of the game and steps away from the final stretch, and it seems as though the Davids are primed to flip the script.
That makes the David vs. Goliath episode 9 preview video that much more frustrating; it’s a rather mundane look at the Reward Challenge rather than dive into anything substantial. Furthermore, it’s a mixture of past challenges thrown together into a melting pot, with an orange team and a purple team competing against each other.
The teams of five will run through an obstacle course en route to a bag of numbered tiles hanging from a spire. After boosting a teammate to retrieve them, each player will crawl underneath a net to reach a platform with a lock. After using the numbered tiles to guess a number of combinations to a combination lock, the teams will then complete a snake puzzle.
Because the CBS Express Entertainment page containing the press photos for the upcoming episode is bad at hiding spoilers, we can see who the two teams will be. Mike White, Davie Rickenbacker, Dan Rengering, Alec Merlino and Kara Kay are the members of the orange team, while Christian Hubicki, Angelina Keeley, Gabby Pascuzzi, Alison Raybould and Nick Wilson make up the purple team.
Poor Carl; the rare beer-oriented Reward Challenge shows up and he can’t even hope to compete for the chance to drunkenly stumble into another good Survivor strategy. Beer is secondary for most players, as the primary reward is access to the Bula Burger Bar, where cheeseburgers, bacon burgers and soft drinks will refill their energy bars and boost them back up to battle-readiness.