Survivor: David vs. Goliath episode 8: Did Dan make the right move?

Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Was Dan’s move to save Angelina a smart one? We explain why his idol play during last week’s episode of Survivor: David vs. Goliath wasn’t as bad of a decision as you thought.

During this past episode of Survivor: David vs. Goliath, Dan unknowingly sent home one of his close alliance members in order to save a desperate Angelina. On the surface, this appears to be a terrible decision. In one night Dan lost an idol and a loyal Goliath member. However, if he can hold it together with Kara, this move may help him take the target off of his back.

First of all, Dan’s idol lost its power. Basically every castaway in the game was aware that Dan found an idol, and we can be sure that if Dan didn’t win the last Immunity Challenge, the original David members would be gunning for him instead of Angelina.

With Carl having the Idol Nullifier, even if Dan played his idol he would have been sent home. The fact that everyone knew about his idol really tarnished its value. The only way he could play his idol successfully is if he were to play it for someone else, which is what he did.

Unless you’re a Tony or a Russell type of player, holding an idol that everyone knows about is very dangerous. That’s why it makes sense to use it at the first opportunity. Dan is still a threat, but now that most of the castaways believe that he doesn’t have an idol, it makes him less of a target.

So if the Davids go after Dan now, they won’t know about his idol. That means it would be unlikely for them to use the Idol Nullifier, opening the door for Dan to shock everyone with another Hidden Immunity Idol.

Angelina is a good person to have in your alliance. Early on in this season of Survivor, Angelina proved to be a deceptive and manipulative player. That all changed since “Jacketgate”, and she has been exposed as the threat that she is.

Normally you would think that John would be far more loyal than Angelina. However, she really has nowhere else to go. After the incident with Elizabeth, basically everyone in the game, including David members distrust anything Angelina says.

John was Goliath strong by choice, and that mindset can change in the game of Survivor. On the other hand, Angelina is loyal to the Goliaths by default, because she has nowhere else to turn at this point. That’s the type of alliance member you want to have, someone who will vote with you but won’t be able to vote against you.

Considering all the implications, Dan’s decision to play his idol for Angelina may help him in the next few episodes. The determining factor is his relationship with Kara. She is the only one who knows about Dan’s other idol, so if they split up as the promos teased, it could spell disaster for Dan.