It’s time to rejoice for even an even longer episode of a great season, as the Survivor: David vs. Goliath episode 10 praises Hallelujah.
Usually, those with privilege or in power don’t like being confronted with someone upsetting that control or pointing out their inefficiencies. It’s not just a reality of everyday life, but a truth in Survivor, as David vs. Goliath is emblematic of the underdog rising up over those used to excelling in life.
Lately, though, the Davids have been unifying together and asserting their power as a collective, working together to chip away at those in power. We saw it in the most recent episode and we’re seeing hints of it once more in the Survivor: David vs. Goliath episode 10 promo, as now the underdogs might be getting a bit too cocky for their own good.
Despite the angelic notes of Messiah Part II’s “Hallelujah” chorus by Handel shining through, the players are anything but angelic. Even Angelina boasts about how vicious she can be after being voted against by the Goliaths, while Alec suggests someone will be so cocky that they will be blindsided. Interestingly enough, the camera pans over to Carl and Nick, with Carl’s infamous “Bing” from this week’s episode likely to tick off the Goliaths.
Later on, Mike suggests that he will be burning some bridges with a decision he has to make, but what could that be? He can’t possibly move over to the Davids, especially after trying to take out Christian twice in as many votes. We also have the pre-teary-breakdown indignation of Gabby calling out those who think she’s stupid and something being music to Alison’s ears.
There are a lot of moving parts ahead of Survivor: David vs. Goliath episode 10, which is absolutely perfect for a two-hour episode. Folks will be working off the rest of their food they’ve absorbed from the Thanksgiving holidays and will be able to fully settle in for what may be an exhilarating series of Tribal Councils.