8. Carl Boudreaux
The most recent Survivor: David vs. Goliath Tribal Councils have seen players establish the foundation for a fundamental truth; perception can become a reality. Christian has been viewed as this big threat of the Davids based on a yarn Mike spun for the Goliaths, yet he’s been a backseater to the two biggest moves of the season in as many episodes.
In fact, Carl had a bigger part in Dan Rengering’s elimination than anyone else, using his Idol Nullifier to nullify his second idol. It not only took out a big threat, but it gave something for Carl to pitch for a reason why he should win the million dollars at the Final Tribal Council. However, it’s impossible to do so without revealing that it was his Idol Nullifier in the first place.
Thankfully, that’s a piece of information he could save until Night 39 to protect his threat level and benefit from making a big move.
Wait, he did what? He told the Goliaths in the most showboat way possible? He gave an audible “BING” and showed everyone the piece of paper at Tribal Council? This happened days after Davie talked about taking the high road?
That unnecessary move will be viewed as antagonizing to the Goliaths, necessitating his elimination from the game or as a reason why he would not get votes from certain members of the jury. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if Carl is one of the two boots in the upcoming double episode.