Survivor: David vs. Goliath episode 9: The castaway has spoken

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Photo: Screen Grab/CBS Entertainment ©2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Dan Rengering revealed what went on behind the scenes of last week’s shocking Tribal Council on Survivor: David vs. Goliath.

Idol Nullifier. Those are the two words that robbed Dan from at least another three days in the game of Survivor. When he thought his idol guaranteed him safety, his torch was snuffed seconds later. In his post-game interview with Rob Cesternino on RHAP, Dan explained what happened leading up to that historic Tribal Council.

Christian told Dan that the Davids were voting for him! As a fellow Brochacho, Christian informed Dan that the vote was heading his way. Dan wasn’t sure if he could trust Christian’s statement or not. It was a masterful chess move by Christian that just added to the drama at tribal. This conversation may have been a motivating factor for Dan playing the idol for himself.

The big question is why did Christian tell him? Was it because he wanted Carl to play his Nullifier successfully? Or did Christian feel bad about blindsiding a member of the Brochachos? It may have been a combination of both of those reasons, plus a bit of jury management. Either way, Big Bang Theory strikes again!

Kara whispered to Dan to play his idol. Right before Jeff read the votes, Dan quietly whispered to Kara, asking if he should play his idol. As a viewer, we weren’t able to make out her response. However, Dan revealed that Kara did tell him to play the idol for himself.

That begs for another question: did Kara know about the Nullifier? She was so adamant about getting Dan out that telling him to play his idol would have seemed like that last thing she would do… unless she knew the idol was worthless. Dan commented that he wasn’t sure, although he didn’t think she knew about the Nullifier at the time.

Despite the heartbreak, Dan approves of the Idol Nullifier. Dan acknowledged how shocked he was that even an idol didn’t save him, but he wasn’t bitter at all. He mentioned that the Idol Nullifier is a brilliant idea that should be used in every season. Dan also didn’t want to be the only victim of this game-changing advantage!

Besides that Tribal Council, Dan also gave us insight into the rest of the Goliaths. He had a strong feeling that Alec was playing both sides, but he never really addressed it. He assumed Alison and Mike could have developed ties with the Davids, but he wasn’t too sure. In terms of Kara, he had no clue that she was gunning to get him out.

When Rob Cesternino asked Dan if he would play again, he responded saying that if they called him right now he would be in for sure! So we might not have seen the last of “Hot Cop” Dan Rengering on Survivor!