There’s one plateau that the fifth juror of Survivor: David vs. Goliath wanted to reach, and although they were voted out, they still managed to pull it off.
Warning: This post will discuss the second boot of Survivor: David vs. Goliath episode 10, their journey to the end of their game and the events of the previous episode.
One of the greatest aspects of this cast is how different and unique the characters are from one another. Sure, there are a ton of Californian Goliaths, but even with that in mind, you have dads, moms, truckers, wrestling superstars, public defenders and everything in-between. Players from all walks of like make great Survivor casts, and they make for even better gameplay seasons.
Carl Boudreaux, coming off a history Idol Nullifier play, became something of The Godfather in David vs. Goliath episode 10, commanding the vote and dictating plans from up high on his hammock. He seemed to push around the Goliaths and rub them the wrong way, and certainly trying to keep Gabby out of the alliance vote to edge her out screamed of a bad decision.
Christian and Gabby defected from the Davids to work with the Goliath women plus Mike in order to take out Carl Boudreaux, setting up yet another crazy scenario where the game can be flipped once more. Unfortunately for Carl, that will be without him, as he headed to Survivor Ponderosa bummed that he was voted out just before the Loved Ones visit.
As is the tradition with modern seasons, everyone seemed to be great and more than just cordial with Carl once he arrived at Survivor Ponderosa, with Alec even coming prepared with a beer in hand. Carl got along with everyone just right, offering both an in-game perspective of the Davids at night and life advice to people like Alec the day after.
All the emotions of seeing what life is like without necessities, what to do about re-acclimating society; all that went away as soon as Carl’s wife boated up to Ponderosa. I’ve always been a big fan of the players who were recently voted out seeing the family members that flew out to Fiji, as it makes no sense for them to jump through those hoops and not reconnect a month later.
With Carl’s wife and Alec’s mom making the trip, it brought one more piece of home life to the jury members who fought hard to make it through the double episode, even though they were on the wrong side of the votes.