5. Angelina Keeley
From a viewership standpoint, Angelina’s edit makes it hard to pinpoint where she truly stands in the game. We knew that almost everyone found her sketchy and untrustworthy after every Goliath went back on her plans and she leaked to Elizabeth that she was going to be voted out. From there, every decision would seem positive on paper but has a tinge of negativity.
The most recent example is the negotiation of rice. A lot of players are ragging on her for her “failed” tactics with Jeff Probst, listing off a series of utensils and comfort items in exchange for rice. However, you need to realize that she spoke on behalf of the entire tribe working together to come up with a series of terms. Even if she admits she started with a low offer, the terms ended up being one person sitting out.
By opting to sit out of an Immunity Challenge, she earns more credit than those who opted to sit out during Christian’s win in order to get food. Slowly but surely, Angelina is rebuilding her image in the game. The only people really slagging her off within the game are players like Mike White, and he’s been far more wishy-washy than Angelina after siding now with the Davids.