The last player voted out of Survivor: David vs. Goliath proved that every big move comes with a potentially fatal risk, but she doesn’t regret it.
When we think of players like Gervase from Blood vs. Water, Troyzan from Game Changers and most recently Laurel in Ghost Island, a common thought comes to mind. All three of these castaways were basically dragged to Final Tribal by people who made all the moves for them. They had no shot of becoming the Sole Survivor.
Gabby didn’t want her story to be the same as these other “goats”. She knew she had to make a move to take down the biggest threat in the game, however, that clearly backfired! In her exit interviews with The Hollywood Reporter and Rob Cesternino, Gabby revealed interesting details about her situation in the game.
That moment when Christian stopped Jeff to debate playing his idol terrified her! She was so shocked at Christian’s actions that she wasn’t sure how to react. For the longest time, she wondered if he caught onto her plan by her facial expressions. Now knowing that Davie tipped him off to use the idol, Gabby feels less at fault and believes Christian’s actions were simply theatrics.
She still thinks it was the right decision to blindside Christian. Gabby’s rationale was if she made the finals with Christian, there is NO WAY she’s going to get even close to winning. With the fire making challenge happening at the Final Four, there was really only four Tribal Councils remaining to get Christian out.
Then you factor in his Hidden Immunity Idol and his ability to win challenges with the lack of other serious physical threats left, and you could be looking at Christian being immune for all four of those votes.
Even if Gabby did wait and Christian wasn’t immune with six or maybe five people left, it would likely be a consensus to vote him out. Gabby emphasized that a unanimous decision like that wouldn’t have added to her Survivor resume like coming up with the idea and executing it on her own initiative.
Gabby’s emotion was genuine and was not used to manipulate. One unfortunate thing that some “fans” have been claiming is that Gabby is constantly being over emotional to try to get her way farther into the game. She responded by stressing how she knew coming into the game that she’s the type of person that cries easily during difficult situations.
However, one line she said summed up why it isn’t fair to put her in the same category of players who cry and want out of the game. Gabby said on RHAP that she is an emotional person, but she never made one move based on emotion.
When it came down to crunch time, she was able to hold off her tears in order follow through with her strategic and logical plans, including her attempt he blindside her closest ally. She also mentioned how her emotional nature allowed her to connect with the castaways to improve her social game.
Gabby and Kara had a close relationship. It was interesting to note that Gabby wasn’t only tight with Alison, but she also spent a lot of time with Kara. With the reward of a sewing kit back around the merge, Kara and Gabby were the only ones who knew how to sew and would spend a lot of time talking about life and strategy.
Her plan going forward was to form voting blocs with anyone who wanted to take out the bigger threats, including Davie, Nick and her close friend Alison. Although Gabby made a surprising exit, she went out swinging and is happy with her aggressive gameplay.