Survivor: David vs. Goliath episode 13: Stories to watch

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Photo: Screen Grab/CBS Entertainment ©2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Nick’s idol, Davie playing both sides, and Christian trying to make it through yet another vote are some of biggest headlines coming into tonight’s episode of Survivor: David vs. Goliath!

It’s hard to believe that there are only two episodes left of this thrilling season of Survivor. At this point, original tribal lines are becoming irrelevant as the individual game has taken over. The focus has now turned to taking out the biggest threats who would capture the most jury votes.

Unlike most seasons of Survivor, almost every single castaway left in this game has a realistic chance of winning the million if they can get to the end. We highlight three key situations to watch in tonight’s episode that will have a direct impact on who’s going to be the Sole Survivor.

1) Can Christian survive another Tribal Council? Since the merge, Christian has needed two idols, an Idol Nullifier, and a Vote Steal advantage to evade 15 total votes! Even with Christian playing a good social game, the other castaways realize that they have to get him out. If he gets to the end, he WILL win!

That leaves limited options for Christian tonight. One way to always keep safe is by winning immunity, which is entirely possible as there isn’t a real physical threat remaining in this season. Christian has proven his skill at solving puzzles, and even outlasting the best in endurance challenges.

Although Nick does have an idol in his pocket, Christian did play one at the last Tribal Council. Logic tells us that another idol will be placed back in the game. If that is the case, Christian better be scouring the entire island for it.

If those two options fail, his only lifeline is to try to lean on Davie, who took the initiative to save his fellow David member once again by informing him to play his idol. Either way, Christian doesn’t have a lot of cards left to play, but if he can play them perfectly, he would make for a great winner!

2) How long can Davie play both sides? Last week’s episode saw Davie take a step up in terms of strategic gameplay. While everyone had their own plans going, Davie was in the middle of it all, deciding everyone’s fate by urging Christian to play his idol. It worked, sending Gabby packing and giving Davie at least one more vote to hide behind a bigger target.

It was at the loved one’s reward that saw the birth of another alliance which included three Jabeni members: Nick, Mike and Angelina; and Davie as the fourth. Although he played it up throughout the next few days that he was solid with this group, Davie felt like the fourth wheel in a four-person alliance. The question is how he’s going to treat this alliance in the next few votes?

If he decides to stick with this alliance to eliminate Alison and Christian, Davie has to make sure that they see Kara as a bigger threat than him. If not then Davie could easily be gone at five. I would love to see Davie finally control a vote by getting Kara plus one more on board to blindside Nick. If Davie can make that work, the title of Sole Survivor might very well be his.

3) Will Kara and Alison be able to do anything to sway the power? Right now it seems like the Jabeni three are together, and Christian and Davie want to save each other’s skin. That leaves Alison and Kara out there in the abyss. Although Alison has been close to Mike in the past, he has made it clear that she is the number two threat after Christian.

As for Kara, the only alliance she seemed to be included in was Gabby’s unsuccessful attempt to blindside Christian. The interesting thing about that is Kara and Alison were together on that plan. So if Christian wins immunity, and the Jabeni three decide to target Alison, will this pair of Goliaths stick together?

If they do, then Kara and Alison might be able to convince Davie and Christian to vote out Nick. This would be a huge swing that could give these two Goliath women a good enough resume to get votes at Final Tribal. That being said, Kara might see Alison as an equal threat and decide to vote with the Jabeni three, preventing this potential power shift from happening.

It is clear that whatever ends up happening in this episode will greatly develop one castaway’s story for winning the million dollars.