1) Nick Wilson
This season’s Sole Survivor was deservedly given this title. His dominant social game allowed him to get out of an early pre-merge hole. Nick’s strategy of forming and naming one on one alliances really did allow him to get further in the game. His ability to build great bonds with the Davids enabled them to play the right advantages to get the numbers back.
What elevated Nick’s game even more was his knack for making relationships with the “enemy” Goliath members. In fact, it was the bonds he built after the tribe swap with the Jabeni 3 (Angelina and Mike) that brought him all the way to the end.
Even though he spent only a few days with Alec after the merge, they grew close enough that Alec told Nick that the Goliaths were targeting Christian. It was that inter-tribal relationship that enabled Nick to save Christian, which started the Davids remarkable comeback to gain the majority for the first time in the game.
When he needed to win Individual Immunity, Nick came up clutch, earning the necklace three times in a row! If he didn’t win those three, there’s a good chance we would have a different winner.
Did Nick play a perfect game? Not quite. He was on the wrong side of the votes during a couple of crucial Tribal Councils. His fake idol plan was brilliant, but it almost blew up in his face, nearly fracturing his relationship with Davie. Plus it made him play his idol unnecessarily. As John mentioned during Final Tribal, it did feel like Nick’s social game went down as the game went on.
So Nick is by no means a top five winner that will go down as one of the best players in history. However, he did play a strong social, strategic, and physical game deserving of seven jury votes.