Survivor: Jessica Lewis answers many rock-related community questions

Screen grab via CBS
Screen grab via CBS

A genuine rock star and Rockefeller of the Survivor community, Jessica Lewis offers some candid answers in an AMA, one that isn’t afraid to rock the boat.

When we established Surviving Tribal back in February 2017, it was slow going in the launch of our website. Though we had a voice and opinions to share, we had a hard time growing our standing and obtaining a following. It was when Jessica Lewis followed us on Twitter and started sharing our stories that we really got the ball rolling, and I cannot thank her enough for what she did.

I brought it up during Jessica Lewis’ Reddit AMA, as she assured us and others that she has not given up on the dream of winning Survivor if CBS will have her back. I owed it to her not to bring up any references to rocks, as she would get plenty of those throughout the community question and answer period.

Millennials vs. Gen X winner and fellow castaway Adam Klein called Jessica his rock during the game in a heartwarming message. One user hoped things wouldn’t go as rocky as her time in the game when asking about her Final Tribal Council vote. Another asked if she sold her black rock on eBay after all. Jessica even aptly described just how much of a kick in a face the experience is.

Of course, not every question was related to rocks. Jessica Lewis also espoused much of her Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X game. Some of the top questions include who she would prefer in her Final Three, why she was more loyal to Ken over David, her favorite location Survivor has filmed in as well as whether there was any configuration that would see Hannah winning her season.

There were a few players who were a bit underedited compared to what we’ve seen outside of the game from their personalities, and Jessica Lewis is certainly one of them. No matter who you are, getting eliminated by a rock draw is an unfair fate in Survivor, and I believe she deserves another shot at competing in the future.