Survivor Edge of Extinction episode 4 power rankings: Wild Card

Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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Survivor Edge of Extinction episode 3 Kama Reward Challenge wheelbarrow drop
Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

3. Victoria Baamonde

Of all the newbie players on Kama, with the exception of one slip-up, she’s played the strongest game. She’s been covertly gathering a majority alliance designated to take out the returnees, as she was trading notes on Aubry’s social play earlier than most would dare to do early in the game.

She’s a smart cookie, even if she might need to up her glasses prescription so she can spot Joe next time.

2. Eric Hafemann

Eric’s one of the strongest players in the game right now and stands out even more if he’s not on a team with Joe. He’s even paired up with Gavin early, setting up a relationship we’ll need to pay attention to down the line. He is the kind of player a tribe needs to keep around even if the numbers aren’t to his benefit, as his strength will prove useful in tribe challenges.

1. Rick Devens

Rick’s social game is so impressive that he has David Wright glomming onto him. His skill in challenges is underrated, although not too overtly impressive to be targeted at the swap. He knows how to plan a blindside just as much as he knows how not to take the blame at all when the blindside plan goes awry. He’s the most impressive player of the game early on.