“Manu” (secretly another tribe) sees Rick Devens deliver a Survivor news report in the Survivor: Edge of Extinction episode 4 secret scene.
This post will show the Survivor: Edge of Extinction episode 4 secret scene while discussing what occurred in the aired episode.
Though the odds of two tribes swapping into three with two tribes comprised completely of the same original tribe are crazy, a wise man once said, “Never tell me the odds!” Edge of Extinction episode 4 brought us one of the wildest tribe swap designations ever, as five Kama members stayed on Kama, four moved over to Manu alongside Wendy Diaz and the new expansion tribe, Lesu, was everyone else on Manu.
Starting over from scratch and building a new shelter takes a lot out of a tribe, so sometimes you need just to relax and reconnect after a busy day. That’s what the Survivor: Edge of Extinction episode 4 secret scene focused on, with Rick Devens leaning into his broadcaster voice to offer a recap of the day’s events.
It’s a shame we won’t have that warm, inviting spirit on the traditional island week in and out going forward, as he did an amicable job of setting the tone for where Lesu is as a tribe. It was weird to suggest that this was the Manu tribe, as the description of “swap … or not!” and talking about how Wendy’s love of chickens will affect her relationship with her new tribe suggests these five are the Lesu players.
It’s understandable why this secret scene was cut from the episode. Though Rick did set up Kelley Wentworth’s 32nd birthday celebration, he provided the newscaster schtick at Tribal Council two nights later. We also saw for ourselves where the Manu tribe’s heads were at concerning Wendy’s antics, and doubling down on Rick’s morning anchor bit lessens its comedic effectiveness.