Seventeen days into the game, we’re set for a long and grueling merge. Here is the Survivor: Edge of Extinction episode 7 power rankings looking outside and in.
18. Reem Daly
Dude, I’m super disappointed in Reem’s standing as the Empress of Extinction. The longer we see her game outside of proper Survivor, the more we see reasons why she was voted out first. Whether she’s getting into yelling matches with others, figuratively (not literally) handing advantages to other players and destroying her already tire fire of a social game.
17. Keith Sowell
When you are the only one searching for an advantage when everyone else agreed to search at a later time, you better win that advantage! Instead, Keith lost trust in his Extinction group, and Chris now can practice the Extinction redemption challenge to get back into the game. Way to win friends and influence people!
16. Wendy Diaz
Though she’s the most game-ready player of anyone on Extinction Island, she knows the least about what the challenge she faces is, and we also know it’s not a swimming-based challenge. She would thrive in the water, but she doesn’t have enough of a well-rounded challenge performance to compete against the top dogs.