9. Aurora McCreary
We’re now through the merge, and all we know about Aurora is that she likes Joey Amazing, she likes “PeanutbutterPeanutbutterPeanutbutter” and she’s not great at surviving. She’s also one of Joe’s tightest allies and a potential Aubry connection at the merge, but this Survivor season is a story not told through Aurora’s lens.
8. Julia Carter
Julia got her first two confessionals this past season! She is an Edge of Extinction player after all! Unfortunately, she’s not much of a player, as she’s one of the Kama players that relies on Joe for all kinds of survival and believes whatever story he pitches to her. She seems to be poised to be a number, but a losing number for a smaller merge contingent.
7. Julie Rosenberg
Though she was one of the least survival-ready players as part of the “we suck without Joe” segment, at the very least, Julie recognized just how much they need to get rid of Joe. Not only is she against the biggest threat in the game, but her social game has her plenty under the radar but still capable of holding these strategic talks. She has endgame potential, but a bunch of targets needs to be knocked out before she can rise to prominence.