Survivor Edge of Extinction episode 7 power rankings: Merged

Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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Survivor Edge of Extinction episode 7 Aurora Ron Julia
Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

3. Ron Clark

Despite a quiet start to the game punctuated by an advantage menu find, Ron’s been playing since the beginning. We’re starting to see his social network grow with players like Julie, Julia and Aurora, and he’s even able to convince a returning player of his allegiance while putting a plan in motion to search through his things. He’s a follower with a leader’s skill set; a winning combination in Survivor.

2. Victoria Baamonde

Victoria is playing a sneaky, sneaky game, and so far she hasn’t been targeted for it, dinged for her threat level nor had the other shoe come close to dropping on her. The ability to convince a three-time returning player of their safety to the point where despite an anti-returnee sentiment that has been building for weeks, she doesn’t play her idol, is a huge accomplishment.

There are no limits to Victoria’s game. The only thing to watch out for is if she leans too “villainous” in the edit. That’s something Survivor is okay with for showing male winners, but not so much with female winners (sadly).

1. Lauren O’Connell

Though she did receive four votes at the joint Tribal Council, that was a misdirect from Manu trying to avoid an idol play. She has a great story in the game, she has been well hidden by the negativity of Manu, she has an Immunity Idol in her pocket, and she showed incredible strength from within to bring Lesu their first immunity win.

Plus, she has perhaps the most amount of players ahead of her in terms of threats.