Now that it’s merge time on Survivor: Edge of Extinction, winning immunity is crucial. Even with Joe in the game, there are others to watch out for.
Thanks to an exciting double episode, Survivor: Edge of Extinction finally got going, and let’s hope that continues into the merge. At this point in the Survivor’s evolution, winning immunity isn’t everything.
Brad Culpepper made it to Final Tribal in Game Changers after winning a record five Individual Immunities, only for the jury to award a more strategic player with the title of Sole Survivor. However, we can’t overlook the power of winning immunity, especially late in the season. It was Nick’s immunity run that secured him a spot at Final Tribal in David vs. Goliath. So here are five players who can change the game with their physical ability.
5) Lauren O’Connell
We know from her pre-game interviews that Lauren came into Survivor with an athletic background. She played soccer for several years at a division I collegiate level. Unfortunately, Lauren has been stuck on one of the worst tribes ever. However, she has definitely shown some strong moments, including her determination to release her tribe’s final buoy, leading to Lesu’s remarkable comeback win.
The fact that she was able to pull that off while eating absolutely nothing is an impressive feat. Out of the old Manu tribe, I think Lauren has the best shot at thriving at a variety of endurance and balance challenges, which could earn her one or two necklaces.