2) Eric Hafemann
The only person left in this game that comes close to Joe’s athletic ability is Eric. He’s even proved that he could be the provider for his tribe, as he’s caught a few fish. Whether if it’s swimming, crossing balance beams, making his way up A-frames or maneuvering through an obstacle course, Eric has been leaps and bounds above the average castaway.
If anyone could take away Individual Immunity from Joe, it would be Eric. This is especially true if it’s a physically based challenge, which would give Eric a decent shot at winning. However, for puzzle-based challenges, Joe has a clear leg up. While the other two tribes were getting through their slide puzzles pretty quickly last episode, Eric was nowhere near close. Nevertheless, Eric’s strength in other challenges still makes him one of the biggest threats remaining.
Since this is the case, Eric’s abilities will probably hurt him as well. If Joe is out of the game with ten or nine people left, all eyes are going to turn to the next biggest threat… which is Eric. So there’s a good chance Eric will walk out of this game with a couple immunity wins under his belt, but it might not be enough to go the distance.